Gifts for Pragmatists.
Love Practically. Gift cards are boring.
Creation Avenue
(prices below $1/ bills)
$25 bill +$25=$50
$30 bill +$30=$60
$50 bill + $50= 100.00
$100 bill+$85=185.00
$500 bill +$400=900.00 ($1’s /$2’s only)
$500 bill(mixed bills)+$285=785.00
(prices below, $1 bills)
Lg Rose/ $45 + 20 bills=$65
3D Rose /$25+10 bills=$35 includes bx
1-Butterfly/$15+2 bills=17.00
Lg Stuffed Bear
Custom gift (supplied)
T- shirt (supplied)
plus arrangement box / custom package for gift
$50 bill bouquet and 3 preserved roses = $280
additional $30 (labor) for an additional 25 bills in bouquet
Preserved Roses— @ $7/ ea
Silk Roses—@ $5/ea
Foam Roses— @$4/ ea
Designer Paper—@$10 includes 2 sheets
Glitter Roses— @$10/ea
Custom Tshirts—$35
Custom Gift Wrapping
(gifts provided by customer)
$7.00 (sm/med box) includes paper & box
$12.00 (lg box) includes paper and box
Please Note: Orders are NOT valid without payment in full and a confirmation email.
Featured Products
Money Ball w/ Initial
Bear-Able Bundle
Heart Me
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